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I study diversity and inclusion in order to understand and eliminate inequalities in organizations. My research often focuses on gender, such as recent work examining the sexism experienced by women sport managers, but also examines issues related to other areas of diversity, including race, sexual orientation, and socioeconomic class. By taking a critical perspective, I challenge the status quo and explore opportunities for change that will benefit both organizations and employees, with the aim of reducing power asymmetries and discrimination.


Looking for copies of my research? Contact me.

Refereed Journal Articles/Book Chapters

Hindman, L. C., & Walker, N. A. (2024). The gendered organization of men’s professional sport. In A. Knoppers & P. Markula (eds.), Handbook on Gender and Diversity in Sport Management. Routledge. 


Hindman, L. C., McGinnis, L. P., & Marcus, B. (2023). At work and at play: A plan to increase the number of women in golf. Case Studies in Sport Management, 12(S1), S1-S6.


Hindman, L. C., & Paulsen, R. J. (2022). Racial and gender inequality regimes in sport: Occupational segregation and wage gaps in the U.S. spectator sports industry. European Sport Management Quarterly, 1-21.


Hindman, L. C., Walker, N. A., Paulson, C., & Berri, D. (2022). Firing discrimination of coaches in the most ‘inclusive’ league?: Evidence from the Women’s National Basketball Association. International Journal of Sport Management, 23(4).


Hindman, L. C., & Walker, N. A. (2021). Feminine and sexy: A feminist critical discourse analysis of gender ideology and professional cheerleading. Journal of Sport Management.


Hindman, L. C., Walker, N. A., & Agyemang, K. J. (2021). Bounded rationality or bounded morality? The National Basketball Association response to COVID-19. European Sport Management Quarterly, 1-17.


Walker, N. A., Agyemang, K. J., Washington, M., Hindman, L. C., & MacCharles, J. (2021). Getting an internship in the sport industry: The institutionalization of privilege, Sport Management Education Journal, 15(1), 20-33.


Hindman, L. C., & Walker, N. A. (2020). Sexism in professional sports: How women managers experience and survive sport organizational culture. Journal of Sport Management, 34(1), 64-76.


Cocieru, O. C., Lyle, M. C. B., Hindman, L. C. & McDonald, M. (2019). The “dark side” of psychological ownership: Change and hierarchical relationships. Journal of Change Management 19(4), 266-282.


Katz, M., Walker, N. A., & Hindman, L. C. (2018). Gendered leadership networks in the NCAA: Analyzing affiliation networks of Senior Woman Administrators and Athletic Directors. Journal of Sport Management, 32(2), 135-149.



March 2021

Uncovering the Gendered Sport Workplace: A Field Study in Men’s Professional Sports


Prior research demonstrates that women working in sport management are underrepresented and face sexism and harassment. This study explains such disproportions and discrimination by examining the practices of sport organizations through a gendered organization theory lens. To do so, the study takes an in-depth inquiry of the administrative offices of two men’s professional sport organizations and considers how the gendered nature of organizations, individuals’ gender practices, and organizational discourse create gender inequalities.

Findings reveal that the hierarchical structures of sport organizations are gendered, with men more likely to hold leadership positions as well as roles in departments with greater organizational value, such as sales. Additionally, social processes, such as dress code practices and displays of masculinity and athleticism, further divides between men and women at work. As a result, women, already underrepresented in sport organizations, find their positions at greater risk during times of uncertainty and downsizing. Read my full dissertation here.


Funding support: North American Society for Sport Management & UMass Amherst Graduate School

Industry & Popular Press Publications

Udoka story spotlights online harassment for women in sports | WGBH Greater Boston News | September 27, 2022


Has sports had its #MeToo moment? | NASSM Blog | February 17, 2021​


Surviving Sexism in Men's Professional Sport | McCormack Thought Leadership Spotlight | October 16, 2020


Women's Leadership Networks in College Athletics | Athletic Director U | October 9, 2018


Academic Conference Presentations

Hindman, L. C. & Paulsen, R. J. (2022). Racial and gender inequality regimes in sport: Occupational segregation and wage gaps in the U.S. spectator sports industry. Paper accepted for presentation at the North American Society for Sport Management, Atlanta, GA.


Hindman, L. C. & Walker, N. A. (2022). Gendered divisions in the men’s professional sport workplace. Paper accepted for presentation at the North American Society for Sport Management, Atlanta, GA.


Taylor, E., Sveinson, K., Hindman, L. C., Evangelopoulos, D., & O’Donnell, M. (2022). Scarcity and queen bee syndrome: Women’s role in creating and maintaining toxic work environments in sport organizations. Paper presented at the North American Society for the Sociology of Sport, Montreal, QC.


Hindman, L. C. (2021). Performances of masculinities and femininities at work: Examining gendered practices in sport organizations. Paper presented at the European Association for Sport Management Festival of Sport Management Research and Practice.


Hindman, L. C. (2021). Dressing for the part: An examination of sport organization dress codes as a gendered organizational practice. Paper presented at the North American Society for Sport Management.


Hindman, L. C., Isard, R.F., Fink, J., Melton, E. N., & Walker, N. A. (2021). Fix the women? The effects of gendered leadership training in sport. Paper presented at the North American Society for Sport Management.


Gray, E., Farr, J. R., Green, E. R., Hindman, L. C., Bodin, K., Ryder, A., Patil, S., Teare, G. (2021). An anti-racist classroom: Teaching strategies across the curriculum. Paper presented at the North American Society for Sport Management.

Hindman, L. C., Walker, N. A., & Agyemang, K. J. A. (2020). Bounded rationality or bounded morality?: The NBA response to COVID-19. Paper presented at the Sport Management Association of Australia and New Zealand Conference.


Hindman, L. C. (2020). Gendered layoffs: Downsizing during times of uncertainty. Paper presented at the Wharton Center for Human Resources People and Organizations Conference, Philadelphia, PA.


Hindman, L. C. & Darvin, L. (2020). Who makes a good leader? Gendered evaluations of leadership competencies in intercollegiate sport. Paper presented at the North American Society for Sport Management, San Diego, CA.


Hindman, L. C., Fink, J., Melton, E. N., & Walker, N. A. (2020). Fix the women? The effects of gendered leadership training in sport [Conference session canceled]. Paper accepted for presentation at the North American Society for Sport Management, San Diego, CA.


Hindman, L. C. & Walker, N. A. (2019). Protect, control, objectify: A critical discourse analysis of hegemonic masculinity and professional cheerleading. Paper presented at the North American Society for Sport Management, New Orleans, LA.


MacCharles, J., & Hindman, L. C. (2019). Filling an institutional void: The case of LGBT Sport Advocacy Organizations. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston, MA.


Hindman, L. C. & Delia, E. B. (2018). Enhancing team spirit? The role of professional cheerleading and dance squads in team identification. Paper presented at the North American Society for Sport Management, Halifax, NS.


Hindman, L. C., Walker, N. A., & Melton E. N. (2018). Gendered evaluations of sport domain knowledge & expertise: Impacts on the hiring process for male and female job candidates. Paper presented at the North American Society for Sport Management, Halifax, NS.


Hindman, L. C. & Walker, N. A. (2017). Sexism and microaggressions: Experiences of female managers in professional sports. Paper presented at the North American Society for Sport Management, Denver, CO.


Katz, M., Walker, N. A., & Hindman, L. C. (2017). Gendered leadership networks in the NCAA: A 2-mode analysis of senior woman administrators and athletic director networks. Paper presented at the North American Society for Sport Management, Denver, CO.

Work in Progress

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